taking a dump, animals in general vs human animal


Why is it that humans can spend untold amounts of time on the toilet to pinch a loaf while it seems that most in the animal kingdom can do it in seconds AND while walking, flying. slithering etc

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

> while it seems that most in the animal kingdom can do it in seconds AND while walking, flying. slithering etc

You can’t poop while walking? Might want to see a doctor about that.

Realistically, it’s because humans are the only animals that care heavily enough about hygiene, sanitation, etc., to have a separate restroom, clothes to remove and put back on, some method of cleaning themselves (toilet paper, bidet, etc). If you take all human factors out other than actual bowel movement, it doesn’t take us very long…and if it does you probably do need to see a doctor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It could also do with diet and the fact that we use a “bathroom”. Animals dont have a designated area where they HAVE to go to poop so they can just drop whenever wherever and keep on keepin on.