the term of “Ontology” and “epistemology”? As well as, the difference and it’s applications.


the term of “Ontology” and “epistemology”? As well as, the difference and it’s applications.

In: 14

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the field I study, since philosophy seems to have kind of a different, more pure, meaning, ontology is used when the researcher wants to observe things as they are, and not as they should be (which, at least in this field, is called deontology).

Epistemology is about the methods you take to develop your research, since the world is so vast and human relations are so complex you need to do epistemological cuts to limit and simplify the object of the study.

As I said this is a applied social sciences everyday use, I’m not saying it’s the only one or the truer one.

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