There are no colors that can mix into primary colors, but how can a color form if it’s not mixed with other colors?


I don’t get it.

In: 3

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The cyan, magenta and yellow colours used to produce inks, paints and dyes are created using chemicals which can be created with chemical synthesis techniques, sometimes using organic ingredients. See [this video]( to see the kind of things that are possible. You can see that chemical reactions can result in colour changes that don’t follow the rules of colour mixing.

As for what’s actually used for things like ink-jet printer ink, see [this patent]( which lists some chemical ingredients.

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I don’t get it.

In: 3

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The cyan, magenta and yellow colours used to produce inks, paints and dyes are created using chemicals which can be created with chemical synthesis techniques, sometimes using organic ingredients. See [this video]( to see the kind of things that are possible. You can see that chemical reactions can result in colour changes that don’t follow the rules of colour mixing.

As for what’s actually used for things like ink-jet printer ink, see [this patent]( which lists some chemical ingredients.

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