What are Electrolytes?



Drinking water (especially bottled water) makes me just… *more* thirsty for water.

I generally don’t feel very thirsty through the day. Like, I just don’t feel like I need a drink. But whenever I drink water, like I said, it makes me feel a lot more thirsty like I *need* more water.

It’s as if I’m eating snow, the more “water” I consume the more I feel like it’s actually dehydrating me. And admittedly, sometimes my throat feels more dry, or *still* feels dry after drinking (if I already felt dry).

Someone said it may be because I need more electrolytes. What are those and what do they do? How does this help me not feel like I’m dehydrating when I drink water?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrolytes are basically salts. They are essential minerals your body needs to function properly. If you’re drinking pure filtered water it is possible, though very unlikely you’re diluting the salts in your body. However this would be the case only if you’re not eating anything and only drinking that water. If you play a lot of sports you sweat out salts along with water, so they say to drink sports drinks with electrolytes to replenish them.

Really though you should probably talk to your doctor if you’re having dehydration issues. Being thirsty all the time is one of the classic symptoms of diabetes.

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