What causes your neck to “click”?


That sharp stinging sensation when looking to the side……..

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

ELI5: There is fluid in your neck that has gas trapped in it, when you squeeze the fluid the gas comes out and pops!

ELI18+: In your neck you have joints called [Pivot Joints](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pivot_joint), these joints are a sub-type of joints called [Synovial Joints](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synovial_joint). The Synovial Joints contain [Synovial Fluid](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synovial_fluid), when force is applied to the fluid the gasses dissolved within it are rapidly forced out, forming a bubble and creating the popping sound.

Edit: bad link

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was told by several doctors that it is caused from inflammation of the muscles

I had jammed my neck by jumping into a car hitting my head on the roof.

it lasted 14 yrs before it went away. nothing they had me take helped, (tylenol asperian, etc) hopfully they have some new idea how to treat a”simole case of inflamation” keep stretching it warm rag on it I feel for ya it is”nt any fun.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

If your neck is “clicking” every time you look to the side, you may have a subluxation where one or several of the vertebrae in your neck are ‘stuck’, causing the ones around it to be hypermobile and clicking.

I would suggest finding a good chiropractor who can assess your spine and neck to see if they need to make an adjustment (move the stuck vertebrae back into neutral).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nitrogen gas bubbles are one cause. It can also be the sound of a ligament or tendon stretched tight and “snapping” across bones.