What do people mean when they say you don’t actually own the games you buy digitally?


I guess this comes under both technology and economics.

But yeah I don’t get it. You pay money for a game, you now own that game. That’s how a transaction works. If I don’t own it what on earth did I pay all that money for? How can companies get away with this?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you bought a game (or music or movie) on a disk, you were buying the physical object (sometimes with restrictions on its use) and the rights to play the game/music/movie that was on the disk (usually with restrictions, such as not broadcasting or exhibiting it.). You were never buying the game/music/movie itself. The restrictions haven’t really changed, but in the old days we’d have a physical object that we’d feel we’d *bought*. Now there is no physical object involved, so the restrictions (that were there all along) are more obvious.

One thing that has changed, of course, is that there is now no physical disk that can be passed on to others.

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