What do people mean when they say you don’t actually own the games you buy digitally?


I guess this comes under both technology and economics.

But yeah I don’t get it. You pay money for a game, you now own that game. That’s how a transaction works. If I don’t own it what on earth did I pay all that money for? How can companies get away with this?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think about it like this, if you buy something like a house or a car or a computer or whatever, you have the exclusive ability to do whatever you want with it. You can use it how you want, sell it, damage it, give it away, whatever you want to do (within reason) with it you can.

When you buy a piece of software, you’re not getting that. You’re essentially purchasing a *license* to use the software according to a specific set of rules laid out by the publisher. For a digital copy all you have is the license, for a physical copy your purchasing the license as well as the physical media (such as the disc) it’s stored on. You haven’t purchased the software itself, just permission from the publisher to use it.

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