What do people mean when they say you don’t actually own the games you buy digitally?


I guess this comes under both technology and economics.

But yeah I don’t get it. You pay money for a game, you now own that game. That’s how a transaction works. If I don’t own it what on earth did I pay all that money for? How can companies get away with this?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Back when disks stored actual games and not keys to games, u bought a game and got physical access to all a disk with all the code that would run. When I buy a game online, all I get is a key stored on something like steam servers. This doesn’t have any value until the game manufacturer looks at that key and says it is valid on their servers. One day, the game manufacturer (they would get boycotted for doing this) could literally single u out and just say, u no longer own this game. And that would be the end of it. Alot of the reason people say u dont own the game is because there is no ability to resell. i guess one of the aspects of ownership to people is the concept of the item being transferable.

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