What does it mean when a company “burns through money”? Where does the money go?


I read [this article](https://kotaku.com/facebook-metaverse-vr-2022-billions-13-billion-quest-2-1850062517) this morning about how ~~Facebook~~ Meta’s VR division “Lost $13.72 Billion In 2022”. The article later says that Meta is burning through money. But if they’re spending money to generate a product, doesn’t that money go somewhere? If Meta doesn’t have the $14 billion, who does?

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17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In Amazon’s case, it means developing crap like ‘rings of power’!

Big entertainment companies today seem to have infinite reserves of cash to blow on the tripe they put out these days. The most recent Star Wars movies by all rights should have completely sunk Disney into the depths, due to how much money was spent versus what they made from viewer numbers.

But the mouse is still alive and kicking, so to say, and well on the way to tanking yet another franchise with the upcoming Indiana Jones.

I just can’t understand how these companies investors still fund the crap spewed out, when by all accounts most of these movies *lose* more money than they make…and quite rightly so!

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