What exactly are pre nups and why are they always shown to be a point of contention on couples?


What exactly are pre nups and why are they always shown to be a point of contention on couples?

In: 8

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pre-nup stands for pre-nuptial agreement, which is an agreement/contract signed before marriage. Most often, they are used to pre-define how assets will be split in event of a divorce. This can be very important in situations where the two partners have very different personal situations prior to marriage, or if one partner is expected to give up a career to become a dedicated stay-at-home parent or carer.

Obviously, if one partner is looking at the marriage as a lifelong bond between two soulmates, a legal document all about “what if we split up?” is a big turn off and can trigger arguments about what each partner is looking for in the marriage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Prenuptial agreements are contracts couples sign before they get married. They specify how assets are to be divided in the event of a divorce. They are usually setup so that if you marry someone they can’t just wait a year or so then divorce you and get half of your entire estate. They are protection against “gold diggers”.