What exactly does it mean to Direct a movie or a film? What role do they technically play and what exactly do they do?


Because I always see that the directors of movies are given much more significance.

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5 Answers

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I suppose you know what shooting a movie is like right? Everything there is the choice of the director, including:

* Actors, where do they stand, how do they move, how do they act. The directors keeps on telling the actors to change it this way or that way, until they get the shot that they want.

* Camera, where are they, how they move, which lenses to use, etc. The cameraman just follow the director’s direction.

* The above is also true for other elements in the scene, such as lighting.

* Locations, props, and costumes. The director tells the location scout, what kind of setting they are looking for. The scouts then look for places and come back to the director with a short list of locations. Then either the director pick a location from the list, or tells the scout to look for more. The same idea is true for props and costumes.

* Post-production, the above is also true for any other process, like editing, sequence, the sound, the songs, color grading etc.

Basically, nearly all the creative process AFTER the screenplay UNTIL the movie is there, have to be ran through the director, and the director have the final say in everything.

So what is it the director are not in charge of? Director usually work for producer, and producer are in charge of the money. Such as, what is the budget, how much will everyone get paid, WHO is the director, making the trailer, the marketing, deals with cinema etc2.

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