What exactly does it mean to Direct a movie or a film? What role do they technically play and what exactly do they do?


Because I always see that the directors of movies are given much more significance.

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The director is the creative vision that is the final say on most, if not all, aspects of the film. They are the person who has the job of taking a script and turning it in to a movie.

Naturally they will delegate some of their authority to other directors and departments because “implementing a creative vision” is a really large task that is hard for just one person to do properly, but in general if there is a decision to be made the director or someone the director appoints will make it.

It’s in the name: the director directs. They are in control, and they are the person giving everyone orders what to do and when, how, and to do it again if it’s not right.

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