What happens biologically in our brains that makes repetition stick ideas in our minds?


What is the difference between doing something once and doing something multiple times, chemically or biologically speaking, that helps with remembering, memorizng activities?

I could expand the same question to how muscle memory works.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your brain is made up of tons and tons of little guys called neurons, all connected to each other, and they keep all your memories and experiences in those connections they have to one another.

You know how muscles get stronger when you exercise them, right? Well, the connections between neurons are like muscles: whenever you experience something, whether that’s watching a movie, playing the piano, or eating a steak, the neurons for that experience flex their “muscles” and their connections get stronger. That means when you want to remember what’s in those connections later, it’s a lot easier – whether it’s the dialog of the movie, the finger positions on the piano, or the taste of the steak. The more you do something, the stronger the neurons get, so the easier it is to remember.

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