What happens when current from the positive terminal of a battery reaches the negative terminal? Do the charges stop flowing when it reaches the negative terminal?


What happens when current from the positive terminal of a battery reaches the negative terminal? Do the charges stop flowing when it reaches the negative terminal?

In: Physics

2 Answers

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A battery has two substances in it. It has an anode, which wants to give up its electrons, and it has a cathode, which wants electrons.

When the two substances are connected, electrons make their way from the anode to the cathode. We can use the energy of the flowing electrons to do work – and that’s how we get electricity from a battery.

Eventually the anode runs out of electrons to give. When that happens, the battery can’t give you any more power. If it’s a rechargeable battery, you can apply external current to reverse the flow. If it’s not, you just throw the battery out.

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