What is a libertarian and what aspects of the Democratic platform do they support vs the GOP platform


What is a libertarian and what aspects of the Democratic platform do they support vs the GOP platform

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9 Answers

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Like all philosophies libertarians have a range of views (for example 62% are pro choice, meaning 38% aren’t), but generally in a “live and let live” way. It goes from “no government at all” anarcho-capitalists to “keep government small, local, and accountable” minarchists.

Democratic side (not all of these are on the platform, but they lean that way; I realize Biden isn’t okay with drugs, for example):
pro criminal justice reform
pro police accountability
pro drug & sex work decriminalization
pro equal voting rights

Republican side (again, not all actually on the platform)
pro gun rights
pro low taxes
pro privatization (charter schools, sales of state lands, etc)
pro deregulation

Also generally pro free trade, much more pro-immigration than most, and against foreign wars or interventions. Also against bailouts

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