What is Amazon AWS?


What is Amazon AWS?

In: Technology

5 Answers

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Imagine you have 5 fridges in your house. Each fridge can hold the same foods, but you get to choose which foods are in which fridge. Ideally the foods you like are in the fridge closest to you so you don’t have to walk far while your game is paused. But let’s say you’re having all your friends for a sleepover – Mom and Dad can buy and put juice boxes and cheese sticks in a few different fridges, that way any of the friends you have over can go into whatever fridge they want to get juice and cheese. If 7 friends go to the same fridge they may need to take turns, so they can split up and use different fridges to get them faster. Less time waiting in line makes for more time enjoying the food.

AWS is like that but with services that computers can provide. Amazon owns the fridges but another company owns the house where they’re located. You buy their food from their fridges and let your customers/friends enjoy it without traveling across the world or waiting in line for one computer to do all the work.

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