What is borderline personality disorder


I’ve tried researching it and many explanations seem to be emotionally charged, judgmental, and non-factual. “They’re so evil and manipulative!” Okay, but can you actually describe what it is?

The the factual, non-biased explanations show what’s in the DSM-5, but it’s kind of vague. What exactly is it? What might people with BPD do to avoid abandonment? Etc.

Edit: Just wanted to thank everyone for their reply. Everyone has brought something of value and an interesting perspective.

In: Other

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Very simply, people with BPD experience emotions very strongly. They often struggle with impulse control, see things in extremes, and have an intense fear of abandonment. A good phrase to remember is “I hate you! Don’t leave me.” They are not evil.

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