What is CISC Architecture?


I have studied ArmV8, which is RISC architecture before. I know the assembly, and the pipelining, data forwarding, and other data hazard solutions like stalling and branch prediction.

But what is exactly is CISC? Like what does x86 assembly look like? Do things like pipelining, data forwarding still exist? If yes, then what exactly is the difference between RISC and CISC?

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3 Answers

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RISC and CISC are more…”philosophies” than real hard computer science elements.

RISC aims for simplicity of language. Fewer instructions but executed faster. (One instruction per clock cycle if I remember correctly)

CISC aims for simplicity of code. Many instructions, allowing written code to be smaller, but not executed as fast.

As for the specifics of x86. Phew…I am definitely not the person to help you there. I sat down with x86 assembly once and noped out. Admittedly my experience is entirely 6502 so even ARM would be a challenge I feel.

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