What is exactly happening when AC power is being converted to DC energy?


What is exactly happening when AC power is being converted to DC energy?

In: Technology

13 Answers

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Imagine the energy as some water. Now imagine a big glass of water – something like a water tank full of water with a hole in the bottom with a continuous output flow. This is your D.C. current. Now, imagine that you bury this water tank in the sand on a beach and that each wave that arrives fill it a little bit (and you still have a the water going out of this tank). Well, the waves are you A.C. current entering in pulses in your tank. When an A.C. to D.C convertet is designed, its basically a calculation on how much you can bury your tank in the and the size of your tank (voltage and capacitance value for the capacitors) in order to have a more or less stable output flow out of the tank – also depending on the frequency of the waves arriving.

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