What is happening when a person acclimates, like to a new climate?


What is happening when a person acclimates, like to a new climate?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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Your brain thrives on stimulus and new stimuli. For example. You always see your nose. However, you see it so much your brain got bored of it and kind of erases it from its notice. Close one eye and oh there it is, open both, its gone again.

Your brain gets bored and as you experience things over and over again it pays less attention. Why life seems to get faster as you age, lack of new stimuli so your brain goes on cruise control.

SO, you move to an area that is much hotter than you are used to. Oh lord its hot this sucks I hate it. HOWEVER, over time you get used to it. You experience it so much you no longer really notice. It’s the normal. Your brain is like “yup still hot as balls, nothing to see here” and no longer reacts as much. Then suddenly go back home to a cold place, and the stimulus is different and your body is like WOAH SHIT ITS COLD NOW WTF.

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