What is happening when you stand up quickly and suddenly get light headed?


Sometimes you can walk a few steps before feeling woozy and other times it’s like everything is spinning as soon as you stand.

In: 34

9 Answers

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That would be orthostatic hypotension. Sounds fancy, but orthostatic just means „upright standing“ and hypotension means „low stretch“ / „low pressure“. So it‘s low blood pressure caused by upright standing.

Don‘t let that word scare you, it‘s really common after lying or sitting for a long time and if it‘s just for a brief moment there‘s nothing to worry about.

When you‘re lying down your heart doesn‘t need to pump very hard. It just needs to get the blood flowing. When you suddenly stand up your heart has to work harder, because now it needs to work against gravity.

It takes a while before the heart can react, and in that time you have low blood pressure. That means for a brief moment you‘re not getting enough oxygen, causing dizziness, blurred vision, weakness.

But again, that‘s totally normal and as long as it remains a short period you‘re totally fine

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