What is happening when you stand up quickly and suddenly get light headed?


Sometimes you can walk a few steps before feeling woozy and other times it’s like everything is spinning as soon as you stand.

In: 34

9 Answers

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This is called orthostatic hypotension. It’s not uncommon. I have had it all my life. I get up too fast and whoeeeeeee!!!

If it’s never happened before, consider getting checked out by at least a PCP. If you’re just asking in general it’s because the heart only has to work so hard when you’re sitting or lying down as it does when you suddenly stand up. It takes a minute for the heart to ‘catch up’. Most people with normal blood pressure don’t experience this, or only get it if they’re dehydrated. Chronically low blood pressure types have it all the time.

Considering the long list of bad things that happen with hyPERtension, me’ ‘seeing the fairies’ when I stand up to fast for a few seconds is a price I’ll pay.

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