What is happening when you stand up quickly and suddenly get light headed?


Sometimes you can walk a few steps before feeling woozy and other times it’s like everything is spinning as soon as you stand.

In: 34

9 Answers

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When you’re sitting or, more commonly, lying down, your heart and circulatory system don’t need to work as hard to pump blood up to your head (fighting against gravity). The circulatory system relaxes in this case. If you stand up quickly, your circulatory system might not have enough time to adjust to the sudden posture change, and your brain won’t have enough blood being pumped to it during that period. That causes the dizziness and possibly stars appearing in your vision. As the circulatory system adjusts to you standing again, enough blood gets to your brain again and you go back to normal.

Some people are more susceptible to this and can even faint if they don’t get up slowly enough. The medical term is called orthostatic hypotension, which roughly translates to posture-based low blood pressure.

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