what is insomnia, what causes it and what does it feel like to someone who has it?


what is insomnia, what causes it and what does it feel like to someone who has it?

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me its when I can’t fall asleep. Normally a person would drifts off, losing the conscious train of thought. Somehow like thinking automatically I would say. It’s hard for me to do that. I’m an pretty anxious person and I have a hard time relaxing. I’m tired but my mind is doing the same thoughts as if I was at work or doing stuff. Sometimes I fall asleep in 30min but I’ve had days where I didn’t get any sleep at all.

When I’m in this state, I feel physical tension in my head. It’s really strange. What I noticed is that before I fall alseep, the tension in my head is gone. It’s like a switch and I’m very aware of it. I’m rolling around in my bed and suddenly this tension is no more, I’m relaxed and can drift off.

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