what is insomnia, what causes it and what does it feel like to someone who has it?


what is insomnia, what causes it and what does it feel like to someone who has it?

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Insomnia is basically just sleeplessness, which is either having difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep.

There’s a whole bunch of causes, and I might leave that to someone else to answer as I’m not too well-versed on the full variety of reasons.

It feels pretty shitty. Symptoms include daytime tiredness, a lack of energy, being easily irritated and a depressed mood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me its when I can’t fall asleep. Normally a person would drifts off, losing the conscious train of thought. Somehow like thinking automatically I would say. It’s hard for me to do that. I’m an pretty anxious person and I have a hard time relaxing. I’m tired but my mind is doing the same thoughts as if I was at work or doing stuff. Sometimes I fall asleep in 30min but I’ve had days where I didn’t get any sleep at all.

When I’m in this state, I feel physical tension in my head. It’s really strange. What I noticed is that before I fall alseep, the tension in my head is gone. It’s like a switch and I’m very aware of it. I’m rolling around in my bed and suddenly this tension is no more, I’m relaxed and can drift off.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Insomnia is having difficulty with sleeping for a longer period of time. In most cases we don’t know what causes it, but it can also be caused by stress or medication. I have had it real bad from medication for a while. Apart from the extreme fatigue and brain fog I just started to feel like I was tripping. Like tree trunks started waving in the wind, solid buildings started to look like they were a waving flag etc. I couldn’t really tell which cars were moving and which were standing still. It was real scary. Thank god I got sleep meds before I started hallucinating real scary stuff.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t feel tired at all and just lay awake till the early morning, fall asleep for an hour then wake up exhausted.

Definitely agree with stress or hunger causing it. But, also if you stay on your phone/laptop before bed for too long, or if you just spend too much time in bed doing anything but sleeping (your mind stops associating bed with sleep I guess). If you get used to never sleeping well, that can continue even if you change those bad habits because you’re so used to it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s also important to remember that people with insomnia do still sleep but it will be for much less than the recommended 7-10 hours someone in their age range needs. Although for me I tend to be awake more than asleep during the night so I like to chat what times I know for a fact I wasn’t awake and looking at the clock

Anonymous 0 Comments

Insomnia is feeling super tired so you get in bed but now you aren’t tired any more so you get up and immediately feel too tired to do anything again, so you end up laying in bed for an hour or two just begging for your mind to shut up so you can finally fall asleep.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Ironic, it’s 3am for me right now. Just think of a night that you tossed and turned, and for some reason you just could not get to sleep, even if that feeling only lasted for half an hour before you could finally get your head to shut off and go to sleep. Now just think of that feeling for hours and hours on end, most, if not all nights, and there you! 🙁