what is insomnia, what causes it and what does it feel like to someone who has it?


what is insomnia, what causes it and what does it feel like to someone who has it?

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It can be a slippery sloap and I wont wish it upon my worst hypothetical enemy. Time seems to pass differently. It seems to move at a snails pace but before you know the birds start chirping and the sun starts creeping out. Your mind is all foggy and your memory is terrible. It also affects your apatite, which is a double whammy since you need to eat to get some energy for the day ahead.

My problem is just falling asleep. Once I’m out I’m all good. I avoid looking at the time, but if you hear the birds start chirping and cars driving, you know its gonna be a rough day. I also wont take medication. It might help me sleep, but usually I’m more tired than when I just roll around the whole night.

I try to avoid light an hour before bed. If I’m watching tv late at night, il switch off lights and dim the tv light at maximum. Once in bed I usually make up my own stories. Anything fictitious to distract the mind. Otherwise I’ll spend hours thinking of trivial stuff.

Appreciate your sleep. For some people it’s a battle every night.