What is reimbursement?


I’m 16 years old and trying to get a therapist. My mom told be I need to make sure they’re covered by my health insurance. I haven’t had any luck finding a therapist that is covered by my insurance. I called one that wasn’t covered to see if they could help me out, and they told me about reimbursement, I can call my insurance and see if they can reimburse me for services by Out of Network providers. I don’t understand what any of this means, somebody please help

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Reimbursement means getting paid back by somebody for an expense. In your case, you’d pay for the therapist out of pocket, then ask the insurance provider to reimburse you for the portion they cover. This would differ from a therapist billing and receiving payment directly from the insurance provider.

The other place where reimbursement is a common thing is with corporate expenses, like business travel. One pays for a flight or meal with their credit card, then submits receipts to their company who reimburses those costs.

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