What is space made out of? What is the blackness in space?


What is space made out of? What is the blackness in space?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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This is not something science knows for sure, yet. However, I’ll give you what I think is the most plausible “probably” out of all the “maybes” we have. But I want to emphasize: this is NOT settled science at all.

There is a quantum phenomenon called “entanglement”. Basically, it is a situation where two particles are “connected” together. This connection is unique in that the two particles seen to convey information between each other *faster than the speed of light*.

That baffled scientists, since *c* is supposed to be the speed limit of space. Well, after a ton of work by many people, the likely solution is that entanglement uses wormholes to be entangled with each other.

**What does it all mean**? Well, there is some heavy duty math done that shows that if you start thinking about all the entangled particles in the whole universe, *they start to resemble spacetime*. As of there are quantum size threads weaving together spacetime itself.

This would mean that spacetime is NOT fundamental, but is instead emergent from a deeper fundamental process.

**I repeat: this is all a hypothesis. It could be completely wrong**.

Of you’d like to learn more about the more complicated details, go on YouTube and look for videos featuring a physicist named Susskind. Specifically his work in ER=EPR.

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