What is the actual purpose of the bots on social media?


Are they just set up by people/companies to rack up extra followers or is there some other reason for them?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically false advertisement and trying to project illusion that people enjoy your product or idea.

So like reddit has bots that companies use to upvote adds and give them awards. The idea is that people are stupid and will go “well damn, people love this product so much they gave it awards”. Now, most people are smarter than that and point out the flaws. However, there’s also a 4-D chess game here. By noticing and calling out the fake approval of the ads you have also paid more attention to it, so, they are basically still winning in their eyes.

For things like twitter or some streaming services, they use bots for fake likes and artificial promotion. Oh yeah i’m passing this bill that’s really controversial but look 500K people liked it, so clearly its good and you are wrong. Many politicians twitter account followers have been found to be 50-60% bots for said reason.

It’s all about manipulating and influencing people. Because alas, its effective. The average person isn’t that intelligent and the digital age has made that even worse.

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