What is the main difference between biotechnology and bioinformatics?


What is the main difference between biotechnology and bioinformatics?

In: 4

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Biotechnology is the overall field and modern application of biological sciences to genetic engineering, medicine, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Bioinformatics is the computational part of biotecnology. Essentially, someone studying bioinformatics never puts on lab gloves, but only stares at a computer screen and types on a keyboard. Whereas biotechnology likely involves going into lab and actually doing wet lab work. Both are super important.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Biotechnology is about using living things to make new things, and bioinformatics is about using computers to study living things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Biotechnology is the overall field and modern application of biological sciences to genetic engineering, medicine, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Bioinformatics is the computational part of biotecnology. Essentially, someone studying bioinformatics never puts on lab gloves, but only stares at a computer screen and types on a keyboard. Whereas biotechnology likely involves going into lab and actually doing wet lab work. Both are super important.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Biotechnology is about using living things to make new things, and bioinformatics is about using computers to study living things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Biotechnology is about using living things to make new things, and bioinformatics is about using computers to study living things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Biotechnology is the overall field and modern application of biological sciences to genetic engineering, medicine, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Bioinformatics is the computational part of biotecnology. Essentially, someone studying bioinformatics never puts on lab gloves, but only stares at a computer screen and types on a keyboard. Whereas biotechnology likely involves going into lab and actually doing wet lab work. Both are super important.