What is the real implication of “External Use Only”


In the same realm as “do not operate heavy machinery” when taking certain medications and people think construction equipment but it mostly means automobiles, what are the implications when a product says “for external use only”?

My mind always goes to “DO NOT INGEST” but is there something else they are warning against that’s more common that’s slipped my mind?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a saying: “Regulations are written in blood.” It means that certain rules exist BECAUSE someone did the thing once and it was really bad. In the case of external use only, there is someone out there who does not have the intuition to know that certain substances should only be used in certain places. There are many reasons why this would be, but they don’t really matter–in the end, you have to make sure that people do not hurt themselves.

As to your question of ingesting–well, there are plenty of orifices in the human body besides the mouth..

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