What is the real implication of “External Use Only”


In the same realm as “do not operate heavy machinery” when taking certain medications and people think construction equipment but it mostly means automobiles, what are the implications when a product says “for external use only”?

My mind always goes to “DO NOT INGEST” but is there something else they are warning against that’s more common that’s slipped my mind?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t shove it in your butt. Don’t snort it up your nose. Don’t stick it in your ears. Basically, leave your orifices out of it.

When it comes to lawnmowers and stuff it’s so people don’t trim houseplants with it, or accidentally kill themselves by carbon monoxide poisoning.

Also, most of those warning labels are because somebody was an idiot and companies don’t want to get sued.

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