What is Tourette’s?


What is Tourette’s?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a chronic tic disorder consisting of at least two motor tics and at least one vocal tic that have lasted for at least one year (the tics don’t have to occur at the same time or be constant), start before the age of 18 and cannot be attributed to any other cause.

Motor tics can be things like blinking, head shaking nodding and grimacing. They can also be more complex like hitting, jumping and clapping. Even though they may look intentional, they really aren’t.

Vocal tics can be things like sniffing, snorting, squeaking and throat clearing. They can also be words and sentences. About 10 to 15% of people with TS have coprolalia (use profane language as a tic). Unfortunately, even though it’s an uncommon symptom, it’s the most known. As with motor tics, vocal tics- even if they seem to be said in context- are not intentional and the person saying the tic doesn’t actually mean or believe what the tic says.

Thanks for asking this question! TS is so misunderstood and I love any opportunity to educate.

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