What’s the difference between minerals and metals and ores?


My understanding was that metals are just that, elements fron group 1 2 3 of the periodic table. And Minerals are Non-Metals that are solid in the earth. And Ore was a piece of rock containing unrefined metal with minerals surrounding it.

But lately i was confused with what is considered minerals in earth as in if you pick up a rock right now what the hell is that? To me what i understand from research is that different rocks are literally a complex and random combination of many minerals?

Is that true? if not please do correct me

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

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A metal are just metals on the periodic table; zinc, iron, tin…etc. A mineral is a broad, catch-all term for an inorganic solid with some sort of crystalline structure, so anything from quartz to talc to diamonds to calcium carbonate. Ore is another nonspecific term that just means rock that contains some substance, usually a metal or mineral, which is useful and we can extract and use. A pile of rocks containing coal is ore, as is a pile of rocks containing gold or iron.

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