When one cup of water is poured into another cup of water such that cup 2 is overflowing, is the water from cup 1 or cup 2 the liquid spilling over?


When one cup of water is poured into another cup of water such that cup 2 is overflowing, is the water from cup 1 or cup 2 the liquid spilling over?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Initially cup 2’s water (assuming you pour away from the edge of cup 2), but quickly both liquids intermingle so that a mixture of both spills over. The proportions of each will change throughout as the dynamics of the pour affect whatever is still in cup 2.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try it!

Take a cup of water, color it red.

Take a different cup of water, either leave it uncolored or color it f.i green.

Pour one cup in to the other.

What is the color of the part that spilled over? Is it red, green, or a mix of the two?

However, to answer your question it depends on *how* you pour the water, but for most practical purposes “both” is the correct answer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you define which water is in which cup at a specific moment in mid poor? You would probably get the answer by pouring a liquid with a color and glitter and recording with ultra slow motion camera. Anything less would be a guess as to what is happening.

Anonymous 0 Comments

By definition, both are spilling over. But if I have to choose one, the cup that suits the definition the most would be cup no. 2. Both cups are different in that :
A) Cup 1’s contents are being “POURED” which may or may not be deliberate but is a fact. However, one cannot tell if cup 1 is full or not.
B) Cup 2 is spilling from the fact that it is full. Which is an undeniable fact as provided by the question

Anonymous 0 Comments
