When one cup of water is poured into another cup of water such that cup 2 is overflowing, is the water from cup 1 or cup 2 the liquid spilling over?


When one cup of water is poured into another cup of water such that cup 2 is overflowing, is the water from cup 1 or cup 2 the liquid spilling over?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

By definition, both are spilling over. But if I have to choose one, the cup that suits the definition the most would be cup no. 2. Both cups are different in that :
A) Cup 1’s contents are being “POURED” which may or may not be deliberate but is a fact. However, one cannot tell if cup 1 is full or not.
B) Cup 2 is spilling from the fact that it is full. Which is an undeniable fact as provided by the question

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