When sick with a cold. Why is it you can blow your nose infinitely and your nose will still get near immediately clogged


Does blowing your nose actually help with this at all? If I keep doing it, will it eventually stay open so I can breathe? Whats the purpose it just comes RIGHT back. I just want to sleep 🙁

Edit: What I learned is my nose has a boner which makes sense because I’m completely surrounded by sticky tissues.

I also learned that reddit got some pretty good otc medicine cold cures that are very helpful.

Overall thank you everyone.

In: 8189

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Like you’re 5: Imagine you’ve got a straw made of paper, and you’re trying to blow something out. Normally, when there is something stuck in there, it will come flying out the other end and resolve the blockage.

If, however, your paper straw gets wet, it may swell up which reduces the overall space available for air to travel through.

This is what happens when you have a cold.. rather than just blockage, there is also swelling which creates a smaller passage to breathe through, sometimes to the point where it is completely closed. In this case, the issue you want to address is inflammation rather than clearing things out. On top of this, constantly blowing your nose can further irritate it and worsen the inflammation.

edit: thank you your/you’re police for saving me from this embarrassment

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