When we apply moisturizing cream to our dry/cracked hands, it sort of hurts a little, as if someone is stinging needles. Why is that?


When we apply moisturizing cream to our dry/cracked hands, it sort of hurts a little, as if someone is stinging needles. Why is that?

In: 11

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of dumb non-answers here… This happens to me as well during the winter when my hands become extremely dry and I apply a moisturizer, no matter what it is. I’m quite sure it is normal in that situation. My guess is that it has to do with restoring blood flow to the outer layers of the skin and therefore reactivating some nerve endings, but I am not at all sure about that.

For the record I have talked to a dermatologist about my hands and was just told I need to moisturize more and wash less if possible. It’s not eczema as some others are saying.

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