When you exercise your muscles ache afterwards, so how come your heart doesn’t ache after doing cardio?


When you exercise your muscles ache afterwards, so how come your heart doesn’t ache after doing cardio?

In: Biology

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your muscles build up lactic acid when they don’t get enough oxygen. Your heart is a different type of muscle so it don’t produce lactic acid.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Iirc, The reason your muscles hurt is because of micro tears from the strain of a work out that cause a build up of lactic acid. This acid is what makes you sore.

The heart doesn’t tear like your other muscles do. And there’s not as many pain receptor around your heart as there are around the surface of your body.

For example, if someone feels a wierd pain shoot down your left arm (I think thats right), it could mean you’re having a heart attack (referred pain). This is because there’s not enough pain receptors by the heart for it to tell you hurts, so it sends the signal elsewhere. That’s also why you don’t “feel” most of your visceral organs, just their effects on the body. Like the thumping of your heart.

It’s been a while though, so please correct anything I got wrong.

Edit: fixed point about referred pain

Anonymous 0 Comments

One: it’s a different type of muscle. Two: it gets a steady supply of nutrients to repair and replenish itself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would think because your heart beats faster, but probably not with more intensity like the other muscle groups that go under heavier than typical loads. Plus your heart never stops so I guess DOMS never even has a chance! Lol!

Anonymous 0 Comments

when your heart isn’t getting an adequate supply it does ache, its known as angina and if progression takes place, heart attack.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

You are “semi” injuring your muscles. Like a scar, it heals back a little “extra”, bigger, etc.

For your heart, you aren’t injuring it.

Your lungs are likely to feel it more than your heart. It pumps everyday, sometimes more if you drink caffeine

Anonymous 0 Comments

The reason your muscles are sore are bc of micro ruptures that you make when exercising. The heart doesn’t suffer those ruptures and therefore , it can’t be sore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How would our hearts ache ? We can’t really feel them.

No pain receptors, no pain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In some people their heart does ache after putting stress on it- angina. But that is not a good thing!