: why are boobs attractive ?


: why are boobs attractive ?

In: Biology

7 Answers

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Blunt answer:

We’re biologically programmed to find mates, correct? So what heavily influences our terms of attraction is what we look at and say “that is a healthy/fertile mate.”

With the exception of one sole person, people wouldn’t look at say, the Eiffel Tower and say “ah yes, a healthy fertile mate;” we find characteristics that indicate health and that they can, in our minds, produce healthy offspring. The same biological rules apply (albeit inverted) with homosexuality, but where it gets complicated as all hell is societies interpretations of it. Beards or lack thereof. Size, fat, countless little factors in our day to day, varied wildly by the society we specifically partake in, that influence our ideal ‘healthy.’

‘Boobs’ is simple, it’s just generally a biological sign of maturity and fertility. But again, personal preference is a whole other matter.

Hope that cleared things up a bit.

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