Why are cigarettes used to get a nicotine fix? Why aren’t other alternatives normally used like nicotine gum?


Why are cigarettes used to get a nicotine fix? Why aren’t other alternatives normally used like nicotine gum?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have to appreciate that smoking itself can be an enjoyable experience. Yes, everyone knows smoking is bad, but people like to do it anyway, even habitual smokers who KNOW they’re habitual smokers. And I say this from the position of it isn’t the addiction talking. Smokers like the taste, they like the smell, they like the ritual, they like the little break, they like the social atmosphere of standing around for 5 minutes and making small talk with the other smokers, they like the brand loyalty – like what you smoke is part of your identity, it says something about you and puts you in a particular camp within the smoking community.

In all this, the high, the fix, has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there’s more to the cigarette rush than nicotine, chemically speaking. And there’s also oral fixation, smokers are addicted not just to the nicotine, but also the habit and the ritual. Not saying nicotine patches/gums/snus/vapes don’t work, hell yes they do, but it’s not the same.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is different forms of nicotine that effect how the body responds.

Also people have a ritual with smoking. Watch them, some will “pack” the cigarettes a certain way, then turn one upside down for good luck. Then they have a favorite lighter. Also there is a social aspect of smoking, especially in workplace. People will go out together and take smoke breaks.

Some people smoke way less at home than when they are at work.

Going outside with your friend to pop gum doesn’t have the same romance as smoking cigarettes together.

Anonymous 0 Comments

besides what others said, nicotine gum is fuckin gross. The texture taste etc. It is made as a cession aid so it isnt designed to be pleasant