Why are electronics stuffs called “electronics” but not “protonics” or “neutronics”?


Why are electronics stuffs called “electronics” but not “protonics” or “neutronics”?

In: Physics

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why would they be called that? Electronics work by moving electrons, not protons or neutrons.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, because electronics use electricity, and electricity was known long before we ever knew what atoms are made of or how electricity actually works. Electrons are named after electricity which was named after the Latin/Greek word for amber because amber is good at creating static electricity.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The word “electricity” predates “electron” (or any subatomic particle) by more than 100 years. It comes from the Latin “electrum” meaning amber, so named because amber has unique electrostatic properties.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

In an electrical environment, for example a light bulb and a battery, on atomic level it are the electrons of the three of them which are moving around, the protons and neutrons stay don’t move.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is the electrons that “move” or carry current when a voltage or potential is applied to a circuit

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the electron is that part that moves around in wires.

Protons and Neutrons usually stay were they are.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because electronics deal with electricity, which is the emission, flow and control of electrons. In a simplified manner electricity is created when you move electrons trough a wire, not protons or neutrons.