Why are hearts commonly seen as the main organ of life when arguably the brain is where personhood and self-consciousness is formed?


Why are hearts commonly seen as the main organ of life when arguably the brain is where personhood and self-consciousness is formed?

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5 Answers

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One of the many aspects of this comes from the fact that heart is substantially easier to injure than the brain. While the colloquial use of the heart as the “core” organ (whether or not it actually is an organ is another question entirely) certainly has deep roots in things like its traditional link with emotions, etc, one of the simple things to pin the importance to is the fact that while injuring other organs can be survivable, an injury to the heart was usually a death sentence before modern medicine. You can stab a person in many/most other places, and they could survive it. Stabbing a brain is just really difficult in general. But the heart is something you can aim for, if you want someone to go down and stay down.

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