Why are most cars FWD and trucks are RWD but high end cars are RWD (BMW, Mercedes)


I understand the AWD idea for cars like Audi and Subaru but why are only higher end/sports cars RWD. AWD is added weight so I can see why you wouldn’t want that and more possible problems but why isn’t every car RWD, you get better traction/acceleration. My modified vivid torque steers and spins like a bitch where my buddy’s 335i does spin a bit but grips way better than my car and has like 100+ more hp

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

FWD is easier and cheaper to manufacture and it allows for more interior space, so if a manufacturer is more concerned about cost and efficient use of space, they’ll go with FWD.

In luxury cars the extra cost isn’t a huge problem, and they’re usually big enough so that there’s still enough room.

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