why are people so against automation in factories if it makes things safer and produces more goods? is it just that people are losing jobs? but there are different jobs that open up.


why are people so against automation in factories if it makes things safer and produces more goods? is it just that people are losing jobs? but there are different jobs that open up.

In: Technology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This has been happening since humans started creating tools.

The problem for the people complaining is that, yes, jobs will open somewhere else, but that doesn’t mean that the same people doing the old job can transition to the new one.

Think professional drivers. They’re a huge part of the workforce and they’re due for extinction. Yes, in that time most likely more tech jobs will open, but it’s kinda difficult for a truck driver to become a developer.

In the long run society overall benefits from productivity improvements (we no longer have 60% of people working in the fields, for example), but the people caught in the transition don’t.

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