why are people so against automation in factories if it makes things safer and produces more goods? is it just that people are losing jobs? but there are different jobs that open up.


why are people so against automation in factories if it makes things safer and produces more goods? is it just that people are losing jobs? but there are different jobs that open up.

In: Technology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, there are not.

A human that is qualified to supervise or maintain one robot will always be in charge of many robots.

A robot that is good enough to replace one human will always replace many humans.

Think of it like a triangle: the base of the triangle is much wider. The base of our triangle are low level (in qualification) workers, and they are the majority of us, and they are the ones getting replaced by robots.

Even if automation creates new jobs in the middle of the triangle, it will never be close to the same number.

In my opinion a better solution is to move away from the notion of needing a job to live, because automation means we can be productive without working.

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