why are people so against automation in factories if it makes things safer and produces more goods? is it just that people are losing jobs? but there are different jobs that open up.


why are people so against automation in factories if it makes things safer and produces more goods? is it just that people are losing jobs? but there are different jobs that open up.

In: Technology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Often there are different jobs, but not the same amount.

Picture a factory with 10 workers. They replaces those 10 people with a machine. The new jobs that will open up will be machine maintenance, which is 1, maybe 2 roles?

Potentially the machine does so well that it’s started to increase the workload. So now the company might need an extra person when the goods come in and one when the goods go out.

So you created 4 roles, which still leaves 6 people out of work.

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