Why are priests not allowed to have sex?


Why are priests not allowed to have sex?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

it was never about sex, it was about protecting the assets of the church.
The laws in Europe at the time were established so that The offspring of the protests would inherit the assets of the church. If priests could not be married, all children they had would be illegitimate or bastards. Ergo, would not be entitled to the assets of the church. This is purely economic.
Europe did not have modern corporate structure where assets could be handed down in perpetuity without having them encumbered by The offspring of the priest-class.
The same for nuns.

It has now morphed into celibacy. But when the laws were established it was expected that the priest-class would continue to have sex. If that sex resulted in offspring, they were not entitled to the assets of the church since they were illegitimate.

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