Why are PS4 and PS5 unable to read PS1 or PS2 discs?


They are clearly able to emulate the games based on the PS1 and PS2 games being available on the digital storefront.

Edit: Thank you all for the informative replies.

In: Technology

18 Answers

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Surely the PS4/PS5 dont use the exact same cpu/instruction set/gfx hardware as the PS1/PS2??? (Would reaaaally suck if they did!)
AFAIK the ps2 could only play PS1 games because its I/O chip was the same as what the ps1 used as a main cpu, the cpu of the ps2 bring the Emotion engine (EE). The ps1/ps2 games would be calling instructions that the later consoles wouldn’t understand to execute. Emulation is just that…..done via software.
otherwise, Its like putting an NES cart into a SNES and expecting it to work. Completely impossible.

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