why can some loaves of bread sit for a couple of weeks without molding, but other loaves from the same manufacturer and kept under the same conditions mold after just a few days?


why can some loaves of bread sit for a couple of weeks without molding, but other loaves from the same manufacturer and kept under the same conditions mold after just a few days?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The mistake is assuming everything was the same.

If we had actual identical loaves of bread, and a perfectly climate controlled environment, they would likely mold at similar times.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mold is a living thing that grows and throws spores all over the place. It’s literally everywhere, all the time. The non-moldy bread has mold on it, too, you just can’t see it, because it hasn’t grown big enough.

Some of those spores land in the right places to grow very fast and some don’t. Some loaves get more spores than others. Some loaves are in tightly sealed bags and some aren’t. Some loaves were packed on the day that the machine was cleaned and some weren’t.

It really is as simple as that.